RELG 313: Reading Journal Assignments
Introduction to Hebrew Scriptures
- An A reflection will demonstrate an awareness of the complexities of the assigned reading, making connections with the students' own experience and prior education.
- A B reflection will demonstrate that the student read the material with accuracy and with some insight, but not making deeper connections.
- A C reflection gives a cursory, if accurate, response to the readings.
Journal #1: Due 8/30
The link that follows is to a spreadsheet that contains the responses to date.
Journal #2:
Form to Submit The link that follows is to the spreadsheet with responses.
Journal #3: Due 9/13
Form: Form to Submit Responses: Link to view responses
Journal #4 on “Conquest”: Due 9/27
Form: Link to Form
Responses: Link to responses
Journal #5 on “Rise of Monarchy”: Due 10/4 – extended to 10/5
Form: Link to Form
Responses: Link to Responses