Tent of Abraham #1

Dale Hathaway

2018-03-28 Wed

Created: 2020-04-15 Wed 13:24

Scripture: SQ p. 63-64

Interfaith Amigos

The invitation & the challenge of "interfaith dialogue"



Abraham Saga


3 Religions of Abraham

Introduction to Abrahamic Religions

Table of Origins of 3 Religions of Abraham


Judaism Dates Notes
Life without a temple 587-500 bce synagogues, written Torah
growth apocalyptic and Messianism 250 bce - 135 ce  
conflict over influence of Hellenism 300 bce - 100 ce What means to be Jewish in foreign culture?
Qumran community - Dead Sea Scrolls 200 bce - 150 ce  


Judaism (cont.) after 1st c. CE beginning of modern Judaism
Schools of Rabbis 100 bce - 250 ce writing Mishnah, e.g. Hillel & Shammai
Diaspora   commentary on Mishnah (Gemara) - Talmud


Christianity Dates  
letters (chiefly Paul) 50-60 ce  
Gospels written 70-90 ce  
  70-100 ce Parousia is “delayed”
  100 ce - 200 ce break with Judaism
  70 ce - 300 ce missionary spread throughout Empire
  300-400 ce Official religion of Empire


Islam Dates  
Life of Muhammad 570 ce - 632 ce No “Quest for historical Muhammad” as there is for Jesus
Qur’an revealed to M. “mid-life” “as it stands now, a composite work” tho' little critical work
retreat to “City of the Prophet” 622 Medina, “Hegira”
growth of Islam – “submission” to will of Allah 622 ff.  


Following death: both church and state   No separation of …
M. = “judge, spiritual guide, military, political”   M's pattern parallels later leadership in Islam
Dramatic expansion by 750 Extending to the borders of China & within striking of Paris

5 Pillars of Islam

5 Pillars of Faith  
Profession of faith There is no god but God and Muhammad is his messenger
Pray 5 times daily, in community at noon Friday
Almsgiving service to widows, poor, etc.
Fasting esp. month of Ramadan
Pilgrimage (hajj) where practical to Mecca

Created by Dale Hathaway.