Definitions: The Manifestation of the Sacred
Dale Hathaway
Feb. 3, 2020
Created: 2020-02-03 Mon 11:34
A Notion of Sacred Reality
- sacredness provides a boundary between what is religious and what is not
- the sacred is other than ordinary
Manifest in Human Experience
- although set apart from ordinary, nevertheless it is experienced, thought about, and acted upon in ordinary life.
- manifest in various ways: ritual, persons, and natural phenomena
What is Sacred?
- sacred is complex and varied
- wide range of phenomena
- value is that sacred is not bound to any particular religious tradition
The Sacred and The Ordinary
- sacred can be thought of as the really real
- provides absolute and objective authority
- a different order than the ordinary life of human beings
- vehicles of sacred can include: stones, trees, the sky, bodies of water, people … all of whom share in the distinctive reality
General Concept of the Sacred
- Sacred reality is present wherever something is real by 4 criteria:
- it is "set apart" from everything else in the world
- it is in some sense beyond human control
- it is in some sense vital for the well-being of humans
- it orders human existence
Manifestation of the Sacred
An example of the sacred
Simple video of a sacred mountain
3 Patterns
hierophany literally means "the appearance of the holy"
3 Patterns of Manifestation
- prophetic
- sacramental
- mystical
4 Media
4 Media of Manifestation
- Persons
- Objects
- Time
- Place
- Qur’an (people of the Book)
- tea in Zen Buddhism (45)
- Catholic tradition, sacramental bread and wine
- participating in the cosmology when retelling the narrative
- cf. Jewish seder, Christian Eucharist
- Ka’ba
- Shinto shrines
- stupa “burial mound” in Buddhism
4 elements of the sacred
- “set apart”
- to some extent beyond the volitional control of human beings
- prominent with respect to human welface
- “determinative of various aspects of human existence” (33)
Set apart
- other than ordinary
- appearing in the ordinary
- in both transcendent and immanent religions
- different & similar** to everyday life
Beyond Volitional Control of Humans
- eg. of 2 Sam. 6 ff. the sacred presence functions almost as a magical talisman
- while seemingly under human control, it is essentially the power of God not of Israelites / Philistines
- the sacredness of the ark seems to have a life of its own
Prominent with respect to human welfare
Determinative of various aspects of human existence
- one pursues practices that promise peace, Nirvana
- life of prayer brings about Shalom
- in Buddhism the self is the ultimate falsehood