The Manifestation of the Sacred

Dale Hathaway

Fall, 2020

Created: 2020-07-23 Thu 10:15

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Sacred manifest (and desecrated)

In the following slide you can see a video I made while walking up Koko Crater. For several years I did this 3-4 times per week. It was over 1,000 steps to the top. I would do a meditation as I climbed. It became a sacred mountain for me.

One day a person addicted to "meth" began assaulting people near the top. No one died. But I experienced a terrible desecration of the sacred mountain. I resolved to climb the crater early the next day, praying and blessing all the way up. The dew was still on the leaves – but the sacred returned.

Koko Crater and the sacred

Hierophany "Manifestation of the holy"

3 Patterns

hierophany literally means "the appearance of the holy"

3 Patterns of Manifestation

  1. prophetic
  2. sacramental
  3. mystical

4 Media

4 Media of Manifestation

  1. Persons
  2. Objects
  3. Time
  4. Place

4 elements of the sacred

  1. “set apart”
  2. to some extent beyond the volitional control of human beings
  3. prominent with respect to human welface
  4. “determinative of various aspects of human existence” (33)

Created by Dale Hathaway.