Phenomenological Method

Professor Dale Hathaway

Fall 2020

Created: 2020-07-15 Wed 15:15

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Homo Reliosus

Something essentially religious about human beings

  • Human beings seem to be religious at all times and in all places
  • The approach used in the text book is a variation of phenomenological method

Need for caution and clarity in our study

  • resist reductionism
  • claim: there is no "purely" religious phenomena
  • 4 steps in the method

Phenomenological Method

Steps of the method

  1. Gather the data
  2. Search for patterns
  3. Analyze the structure of the patterns
  4. Suggest Generalizations (repeat as needed)

"What is required is perspective" (p. 8)

From the text we get this example:

A tourist to Pacific island

A North American touring the highlands of New Guinea for a visit to one of the tribes living in the outback might well witness men decorated in bird-of-paradise feathers, nude (save for a penis sheath), covered in ashes, and dancing before a fire at the side of which are pigs bound in vines and banana leaves. His or her first reaction might well be to take some photographs in order to show “the folks back home” some of the exotic aspects of life among primitive peoples. But this picture can be reversed.

A tourist from Pacific island

Suppose the tribesmen of the outback visit a downtown church on Sunday morning. They observe rows of oddly dressed people (what, after all, is the purpose of a necktie?), notice that some sit while others sing, listen to one person speak at length, and see still others pass plates onto which paper and metal disks are placed. What are these tribesmen to think? Where, after all, are the pigs? The fire? The sacred feathers? In both cases, the observer lacks a sense of perspective and context.

A lesson

The lesson is a simple one. It is impossible to get at the intention that lies behind religious behavior unless we have a willingness to enter sympathetically into the cultural worldview of another person, at least for a moment.

Tools Used in the Study Religion

study sacred texts
describe origin and development of specific religions
compare specific types of religious behaviors, beliefs
philosophical analysis of religious language and arguments
Intellectual & Social History
trace development of religious ideas and institutions over time

Created by Dale Hathaway.