19th c. Foundations


Spring 2021

Created: 2021-02-27 Sat 17:49

Triumphant sense of history presentations

Europe Rejecting the Enlightenment

  • Europe and America took different routes away from the Enlightenment
  • American theologians emphasized "awakening", "conversion", a new way of seeing things
  • On the one hand an appeal to romanticism
  • On the other an effort to articulate universal truths

Placement along various continua

This led to divisions along several themes that continue to the present day.

Open to Change Traditional Progressive
Reflecting religious division Catholic Protestant
Science Open Reactive or rejecting
Interpretation Religious language as literal Figurative


  • Romanticism: p.233 change is not always for the best, appreciate national traditions, value feeling over scientific analysis
  • Not "natural theology": p. 205 the basic truths about the existence of God and human morality known to good people in all societies

New awareness of History

  • Rise of historical criticism since Renaissance
  • Skepticism of knowing anything with certainty
  • (Spinoza, Hume, Kant, rise of scientific method)

Created by Dale Hathaway.