Romanticism in America
Spring 2021
Created: 2021-02-18 Thu 11:49
Romantic challenge fo rationalism
- Unitarians: William Ellery Channing
- accomodating "biblical" teaching with rationalist approach to interpretation
- Transcendentalists: Ralph Waldo Emerson
- appealed to inner life, intuition … "I don't need to turn to the Bible to find revelation, I can look within myself."
Seeking to return American church to founding principles of Reformation
- Nevin & Schaff (transform humanity – not individuals)
- Horace Bushnell (attacking individualism of revivals)
- influenced the developing Sunday School movement
- the experience of the Civil War and the confrontation with slavery led to a need for corporate atonement, not just individual
Slavery & Black Religion
- Bushnell concern for the morality of slavery emphasizes the need account for the "full consequences of slavery and non-emancipation"
- American slavery was distinctive in identifying slavery with race
- evangelicals in England, Quakers in America led opposition to slavery
- Black identification with the freeing of the Israelites in the Exodus and the unjust suffering of Jesus on the cross
- Slavery represents in the strongest terms the unfulfilled dream of the city on a hill
- the unfulfilled dream of Puritan America
PBS special
A valuable recent production on PBS gives an overview of the Black Church experience in 4 hours
Liberation theology of the later 20th c.
- James Cone and Black Theology
- W. E. B. Du Bois
- Martin Luther King Jr.
- South Africa experience (Koinonia movement)
Ongoing issues left over from 18th c.
- How do politics and science affect theology? (206)
- distrust of authority
- Reason vs. Enthusiasm
- challenge of slavery to American experience