

Spring 2021

Created: 2021-01-23 Sat 13:00



  • "It may be that universal history is the history of the different intonations given a handful of metaphors." (*)
  • Arguments for God: a priori and empirical
  • Calvin's systematic development of the faith position sovereignty of God
  • Quakers and Nonconformists: where is highest authority placed?
  • Descartes: from scientific method to rational conclusions

(*) Pascal's Sphere where he traces a metaphor about God and the cosmos from the 6th c. BCE up to the 16th CE, all in 3 pages

Earthquakes: San Francisco


Lisbon 1755

Lisbon Theodicy


  • a tale of 2 earthquakes
  • he found the evidence for his belief in nature rather than in the Bible; he doubted a good bit of traditional doctrine—and he didn't treat religion all that seriously.
  • Revivals but at heart a move from God to human beings

Do we explain these by reference to God? No? We are inheritors of Enlightenment.

  • p. 203 it is the shifting of place re. God and world –
  • what do we pay attention to? What determines our interpretive framework?

Enlightenment from …

God-centered to Human-centered

  1. 5 catalysts for change (204)
  2. wars of religion
  3. Europe divided
  4. philosophical attitudes encouraged questioning tradition
  5. science seemed to being moving from one accomplishment to another …;
  6. nationalism taking root, centralizing power
  7. at the very time of success in discovery and technology, reason seemed to reach its end of life

Created by Dale Hathaway.