Calvinist Strand


Spring 2021

Created: 2021-01-22 Fri 18:12

Table of Contents

Calvinist strand


  • Europe being divided up
  • Radical reformation in pockets
  • Calvin inherited what Zwingli had begun
  • looked on as "the Protestant Rome"



  • clear & systematic mind at work
  • overpowering sense of God's glory
  • obedience to constituted authority
Plato: Calvin:
we sin out of ignorance we are ignorant because of sin

Comparison table

Calvin Luther
private and rarely personal theology built on personal experience
God's Glory & Power Sin & need of justification
Covenant Law & Gospel
Sanctification before justification emphasis on Grace & justification
Vague about presence in Eucharist "consubstantiation" contra "transubstantiation"
Church maintains discipline  

Further information (2 links)

Beyond Geneva

Bucer (moderating figure)

  • central figure of Reformation?
  • sought to avoid being explicit about sacraments (as Luther & Zwingli had been)
  • stands out in Reformation figures for his tolerance


  • connected the struggle of Scotland against England with Reformed theology
  • what is the role of faithful viz a viz oppressive society?
  • synod of Dort (5 principles) "uncompromising"

Noted emphasis in his theology

  1. total depravity,
  2. unconditional election,
  3. limited atonement (arguing that Christ's atoning work was intended only for the elect and not for the rest of the world),
  4. irresistible (or irrevocable) grace
  5. perseverance of the saints.


  • importance of Martin Bucer as a bridge figure
  • insisting on Christ's presence (not a particular understanding)
  • the church regulating its own life (discipline)
  • normalcy of church/state overlap

Discipline of the community

  • Community maintain discipline by regulating who could come to communion
  • organization of community (Geneva) ministers, teachers, elders, deacons … "presbytery"

Church and State

  • Calvin allowing for working against civil authority when they betray the faith
  • John Knox in Scotland "seized" on those principles in his energy opposing the English
  • France, Scotland, then England Calvinists thought about how to oppose an unjust society
  • Scotland corrupt church, thus as in France political conditions drove Calvin's followers

Created by Dale Hathaway.