Enlightenment - City on a Hill

Dale Hathaway


2018-03-08 Thu

Winthrop University


Calvinist influence / Grace / Predestination

Community / Individualism

  • test for citizenship like test for communion
  • "If we fail … we will be judged"

Anabaptist / Pietism

Grace / Works

  • Conversion / Revivals
  • Sanctification (Wesley)

Enthusiasm / Spirit

  • Pentecostal / neo-Pentecostal
  • Charismatic

Rationalism / Romanticism

Nature / Religion

Natural religion / "super-natural religion"

In contemporary philosophy, however, both “natural religion” and “natural theology” typically refer to the project of using the cognitive faculties that are “natural” to human beings—reason, sense-perception, introspection—to investigate religious or theological matters. stanford

Rational religion

Americans came to emphasize the role of reason in religion and the ability of each person to come through rational processes to an awareness and appreciation of God. Encyclopedia

Black Religion

  • Most segregated day
  • "Black churches more like other black churches than they are like the denomination they represent."


Justified by Bible / Christianity

  • Slavery / Jim Crow / Separate but equal / Equal rights
  • subjugation of women / Suffragette movement
  • Prohibition / Temperance movement

Created by Dale Hathaway.