There are some people who live in a dream world, and there are some
who face reality; and then there are those who turn one into the
By a Carpenter mankind was made, and only by that Carpenter can
mankind be remade.
quotes cont..
Now I believe I can hear the philosophers protesting that it can only
be misery to live in folly, illusion, deception and ignorance, but it
isn't -it's human.
He who allows oppression shares the crime.
In praise of folly (in Latin a play on words dedicated to his friend
Thomas More)
Could be In praise of More
Debates about the nature of the Eucharist flourished through the
Vatican 2 in our own day
Council of Trent
p. 173 notion of "justification" which many thought as a kind of property people have or don't,
L. "no righteousness of our own but only share in Christ's righteousness"
Trent set forth doctrinal statements on
Scripture and tradition,
original sin,
justification, and the
sacraments that have provided the basis of Catholic theology ever since,"
Jesuits and mystics
Don Quixote and Loyola (Knight for Christ)
S.J. sending missionaries world wide, adapting to customs of people they met
Carmelites (John and Teresa)
Continuing debates
Jesuits at center of response to Protestantism
"Aquinas had taught that we talk about God "analogically"
Port Royal Jansenists – rigorous piety and trust in grace as opposed to Jesuits whom they saw as "Pelagian"
Pascal: genius of age … conversion "Fire, God of Abraham …" trust in grace while being well trained in reason as mathematician
Pascal defense of Christianity, but ultimately Pope ruled against Jansenist radical trust in grace (not own will)
Fenelon, "Quietism", Mme. Guyon = claiming that usual rules don't apply because of special relationship with God
Going forward from the 16th c.
cf. from Readings p. 38 a road to training and forming oneself in the path of prayer at the deepest level
Blaise Pascal was one of the most important scholars of the 17th
century. He was a great scientist, mathematician, and inventor,
famous for many key breakthroughs. He was also a devoted Catholic and
wrote what is considered to be one of the best apologetic works of
his time.
When we read the Reformers from the perspective Protestantism it seems
relatively straightforward. In the context of all that was going on
including the Catholic perspective it is a lot less clear.
Keep in mind that we don't even consider here the Orthodox view. which
is older than Catholicism.