Religion & Morality

Dale Hathaway

Nov. 29, 2017

Winthrop University

What is the relationship between Religion & Morality

US & religion

  • Reagan: politics & morality linked
  • 3 issues:
    1. religion providing foundation for morality
    2. definitions: ethics, morality, sacred (morality having to do with human welfare & religion having to do with sacred)
  • Which takes priority? religion? morality? (Kierkegaard's focus on Abraham & Isaac, set sacrifice his son per God's command



  • ask what is one's duty
  • What one ought to do in certain circumstances
  • based on principle


  • asking what are the consequences of this action
  • what is the end or final result from this action? (intended or unintended)

Rule based? or Act based?

  • each of these arguments can focus on rules
  • or on acts

Deontological or Teleological | Rule-based or Act-based

Deontological "What one ought to do" Based on principle or universal command
    Based on the character of the acts
Teleological "What is the final end" Based on principle or universal command
    Based on the character of the acts


  Justifification for not Cheating  
Deontological "What one ought to do" Based on principle or universal command
    Based on the character of the acts
Teleological "What is the final end" Based on principle or universal command
    Based on the character of the acts

3 case studies

Hinduism & caste system

  • oldest Vedic hinduism based on the social order of caste system
  • newer Upanishads focused on individuals, universal Brahman and the release (moksha) from endless cycle of birth & death
  • religion & morality in tension with one another

Islam & war (jihad)

  • Islam born under the burden of persecution – Quran approves the use of force when one is wronged
  • while war not to be undertaken lightly, religious justification for war (cautious)
  • jihad is struggle to expand Islam
  • religion complementing and filling out morality

Christianity & prayer

  • Pray because we are commanded to?
  • Pray because it provides good results?
  • both?
  • religion animating the moral life

Created by Dale Hathaway.