In rites of passage, there are 3 stages: pre, post, & in between stage (liminal)
liminal (threshold: when one is not anything, in many settings a wilderness, tasks of courage and daring, survival,
Tradition criticism
Listen to 3 different texts from the Pentateuch with similar subject matter but very different context
Ex 12:13;
Nu 28:16-25;
Dt 16:1-8
law at Sinai originally a separate "tradition" from exodus
Wilderness narrative spans 4 books
But these were compiled (redacted) at very different times and circumstances
Law | Νομος | טרה
(Nomos, Torah)
Law codes a "religious vision of a perfect society" (p. 93)
Covenant (Exodus 21-23)
Deuteronomic (Deut 12-26)
Holiness (Leviticus 17-26)
10 c's (words)
Ex 20:2-17 & Dt 5:6-21
2 kinds of laws:
if/then (conditional) (casuistic)
do/don't do (unconditional) (apodictic)
Development of the law
Consider someone reading the Constitution in 3,000 years
The Senate of the United States shall be composed of two Senators from each State, chosen by the Legislature thereof, for six Years; and each Senator shall have one Vote.
The Senate of the United States shall be composed of two Senators from each State, elected by the people thereof, for six years; and each Senator shall have one vote.