RELG 313: Genesis Discussions

Prof. Dale Hathaway

Aug. 29, 2017

Winthrop University

Focus on Method (p. 34-35)

  • Source criticism
  • 4 sources

Context of

  • family
  • marriage (wife/concubine)
  • Politics & Landownership
  • "Mythic" ancestors


Gen 11:27-12:3 Covenant with Abr Gen 16:1-15 (Sarah & Hagar)
Gen 15,17,18,21 (Isaac) Gen 18 21 (Outsiders)
Gen 22 (Binding Isaac) Gen 24 (Isaac/Rebekah)
Gen 27 (Stolen blessing) Gen 29 (Laban the trickster)
Gen 32 (Jacob becomes Israel) Gen 37 39 (Joseph Enslaved)


  1. Read the passage
  2. One person read and report what Carvalho has said about the text
  3. Another read and report annotations and study apparatus from Study Bible
  4. Discuss and report possible meanings for us today

Created by Dale Hathaway.