3 periods of Monarchy (repeated)
Signposts of the Deuteronomist
- Worship other gods
- allow other temples than Jerus.
- idols in the temple
- do not listen to prophets
- illegitimate rituals
Prophets in the DH
- Elijah: 1 Kings 17, 18, 19, 21, 2 Kings 1, 2,
- Elisha: 1 Kings 19, 2 Kings 2-9, 13
- Isaiah: 2 Kings 19-20
- Jeremiah: 2 Chron 35, 36
Bible & Christian tradition (181)
- Messianism "hope for a future king"
- Kingship (David as ideal)
- Announted one (cf. Cyrus the Persian)
- Zionism "hope for a rebuilt temple"
- how are biblical texts used as evidence for historical "reconstructions"
- maximalists & minimalists
- e.g. of using Gone with the wind as a resource
- biblical texts as evidence for issuing facing the community when they were written
New historicism
- "all evidence is biased"
- "whose interests are served by each piece of evidence?"
- what is the ideology of the historian
- Wise King
- Builds the Temple
- Praying towards God
- The Evil Kings do
- Josiah
- Sins of Manasseh
- a failed history
- purpose of the history (cf. "signposts")
Created by Dale Hathaway.