World Religions

Dale Hathaway

Sept. 11, 2017

Winthrop University

Religions of the World

video growth of religions

Relative size of World religions

Study of Religion

Why study religion

  • Religion has always been with us
  • Religion is studied by an energetic academic field
  • The study of religion leads in many directions

Chapters 3-4 Sacred Quest

Important terms from these chapters

1. Ka’ba 2. Qur’an as speech of God
3. canon 4. cosmology
5. cyclical time 6. hierophany
7. immanence 8. linear time
9. logos 10. mystical
11. myth 12. parable
13. prophet 14. sacrament
15. salat 16. samsara
17. sanctus 18. scripture
19. shaman 20. stupa
21. transcendence 22. tradition

An example of the sacred


3 patterns of understanding the appearance of the sacred

  • Prophetic (stress on belief, society, and morality—all centered on revelation) Moses. Mohammed. A prophet is a person who receives a revelation that deals with historical life of community.
  • Sacramental (stress on sacred objects and ritual as vehicles for the sacred), Jesus. The presence of sacred through an aspect of material reality or objects; stresses role of priests.
  • Mystical (stress on states of consciousness, feeling, and experience) the Buddha. Emphasis on a state of being or consciousness, such as enlightenment or contact with God.

4 media shaped by 3 patterns

these 3 patterns shape how one understands the 4 types of sacred media:

  • person—prophet (prophetic), God incarnate (sacramental), and sage (mystical),
  • objects—texts (prophetic), bread, wine & material objects (sacramental), breathing & tea (mystical)
  • time—linear/historical (prophetic) v. cyclical (often mystical) [sacramental can be either]
  • space—places of revelations, places of worship, stupa, and nature (note how all 3 patterns apply)

5 Concepts

  • Manifest — to show, reveal, or make known
  • Hierophany — a revelation of the holy,
  • Prophet [one who speaks with the authority of another]: one who speaks with the authority of God or the sacred; a spokesperson for the sacred based upon a received revelation or contact with the sacred.
  • Sacrament a sign and instrument of the sacred; a sign that causes or makes effective the reality to which it points
  • Cosmology worldview; an account of the meaning and order of the universe and the relationships between its different parts.

Created by Dale Hathaway.