Definitions: The Manifestation of the Sacred

Dale Hathaway

Sept. 6, 2017

Winthrop University

Manifestation of the Sacred


Patterns & Media

3 Patterns of Manifestation

  1. prophetic
  2. sacramental
  3. mystical

4 Media of Manifestation

  1. Persons
  2. Objects
  3. Time
  4. Place


  • Moses
  • Buddha as teacher (41 incl. Siddhartha)


  • Qur’an (people of the Book)
  • tea in Zen Buddhism (45)
  • Catholic tradition, sacramental bread and wine


  • participating in the cosmology when retelling the narrative
  • cf. Jewish seder, Christian Eucharist


  • Ka’ba
  • Shinto shrines
  • stupa “burial mound” in Buddhism

4 elements of the sacred

  1. “set apart”
  2. to some extent beyond the volitional control of human beings
  3. prominent with respect to human welface
  4. “determinative of various aspects of human existence” (33)

Set apart

  • other than ordinary
  • appearing in the ordinary
  • in both transcendent and immanent religions
  • different & similar** to everyday life

Beyond Volitional Control of Humans

Uzzah and ark () (30)

  • 2 Sam 6
  • fair? just?
  • the sacred character of the ark seems to have a life of its own, "sovereignty or independence of the ark" (31)

Prominent with respect to human welfare

Qur'anic justice – "God's actions and decisions have a tangible impact on the welfare of human beings"

  • judgment day as ultimate goal of human life & creation
  • Navaho sacred guides to living in harmony with all things

Determinative of various aspects of human existence

Practice of Buddhism (34)

  • One practices Buddhism in order to attain Nirvana
  • “all else is illusion”
  • ultimate falsehood = the self
  • to attain Nirvana is to see the truth
  • some would combine numbers 3 & 4 above

Created by Dale Hathaway.